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7 Tips For Teaching Children About Road Safety

Parents understand the significance of instilling a sense of road safety in their children. However, the problem is that it is difficult to engage young, easily distracted children when it comes to serious lectures. As a result, we sought these expert tips that can assist parents in keeping their children safe. 

Read on to discover the seven tips for teaching children about road safety.

Tip #1: Walk the Talk

First and foremost, set a good example. When crossing, start by stopping at the curb, even if the road appears to be clear. Always pause, look, and listen for a moment. Wait for the green man and check for oncoming traffic before crossing. Furthermore, look first and last on the right, as this is where the majority of traffic originates. 

Tip #2: Seek for Peace and Quiet

The vast majority of people start their driving lessons on quiet roads. The same reasoning should be applied when teaching children about road safety. Take them to a quiet road where you can teach them about basic road safety and safe crossing techniques. 

Tip #3: Introduce Driving lessons 

Driving instruction should be included in addition to curbside instruction. What your children believe is acceptable will be influenced by your driving and social behavior. Maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you. 

Tip #4: Keep Your Cool

Whether you’re driving or simply crossing, other drivers’ actions may compel you to do so. It is best not to express your rage when you are around small children. Avoid yelling at other motorists. This could imply that blaming others and venting one’s rage are acceptable actions. 

Tip #5: Assess Traffic Conditions

Parents should be aware that the roads and drivers have changed dramatically in recent years. Many electric and hybrid vehicles, for example, are now available. Thus, remind your child that they should not rely on their hearing to determine the presence or absence of a vehicle. 

As the number of electric vehicles on the road grows, it is critical to teach children to recognize sounds other than engine roars, as electric vehicles will almost certainly emit a low-speed noise for added safety. 

Tip #6: Be Fun

BrakeZebras is a fun way to teach your child about road safety. Brake, a road safety charity, created it. It includes fun activities like coloring and baking traffic light cupcakes that teach children about road safety. Brake also suggests singing road safety songs with children, such as “Wheels on the Bus,” with updated verses. 

Tip #7: Keep Short and Sweet

Finally, keep road safety lessons as brief as possible. Nobody likes to sit still during a long lecture. Thus, keep your lessons and advice short and sweet. Children respond better to messages that are brief and to the point.


There is no such thing as starting them “way too young” especially when it comes to road safety. Children are very observant creatures who take to adults and pick up on road etiquette at a young age. This is why it’s important to “walk the talk” at all times. 

They can never be too young to understand the value of safety. Discuss safer crossing locations, traffic origins, and the importance of wearing a seat belt with your children. Ask them when cars are safe and when they are not to get them thinking about all possibilities. These could be good foundations as they grow to become smart pedestrians and smart drivers!

For quick and reliable seatbelt repair services, SRS Restore can rebuild your seatbelts after both minor and major car accidents. Call us today to get the value for your money!